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drawn, his tongue out, his eyes rolling, and he was in that condition till he died, which he did in a short time.

The fear of God was on all that saw him, knowing that it was the swift judgments of God.

“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43, 2.)

Kansas Meeting

We held several meetings in Kansas, near the Oklahoma line, out on the prairies, at a place some distance from a small town. The Power of the Lord came down like a cyclone. Men and women fell in their homes, and in other places in and around the meeting. Many of the rich, and of the best people, including the farmers around, were converted. There was a church college in the town, and some of the members got condemned and mad.

A lady who had been at the meeting went to the Methodist church on a Sunday, and fell prostrate under the Power of the Holy Ghost; they tried to bring her out from under that Power. They poured cold water on her, and did everything they could to bring her out.

When she would come out a little they would persecute her for going to our meeting, and she would go back under. the Power; she continued that way all day and night. They got so convicted and enraged. they could have killed me. They called the authorities together to see if I had broken the law in any way so that they could find a flaw to catch me, and then they sent the sheriff. and others to where I was boarding, to arrest me; but I told them according to law they could not, and in the Name of the Lord: I would not go, and they could not take me. They went away cursing and said they would get me yet. They also said that I must go with them to the girl’s house, and bring her out of the spell that I had put her in; they said she was crazy and that her father would kill me.

I told them if they would let her alone, she would soon come out; that I had no power to hurt her, nor to take her out from under that Power. They were also working among the cow-boys, getting them enraged; telling them I was driving people crazy. We heard their threats, and knew they were gathering a mob,