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On March 24th, 1904, when I fell under the operation of the Power of God, while praying for the healing of the last one at the altar, I saw the Saviour on the Cross and sinners coming to Him. I saw Steps leading across to the Pearly Gates of Heaven. All those who plunged into the Fountain were at once placed on the Steps. Each one carried a light, which grew brighter as they went higher. There was not a spot of defilement on their robes. I was made to understand that they were the Light of the World, that their Lamps were lighted in Heaven. They had Christ in their souls. Each one had a body-guard of Angels of God, escorting them on the upward journey. At the top of the Steps were the Pearly Gates, where the Heavenly Hosts waited to welcome the Pilgrims of Earth.

I also saw that the world is in great darkness, and that saints are very few. “Many are called but few chosen,” or will accept. Many were under conviction, but trusted to water baptism, to confirmation, or to church membership; but unless they are carrying the light from God, they are worse than an open sinner.

The whole world lies in great darkness, except just a few. I saw the preparation in Heaven and earth for the Soon Coming of Christ. Heaven seemed to be in a commotion. The Lord was marshalling His hosts; getting the Horses and Chariots ready. The Armies of Heaven were moving, the Gates were open. An Angel came out of the Gates blowing a great Trumpet, the Saviour was taking the lead, with all the glory of Heaven, shouting to the saints in a loud voice, that awakened the dead.

The Lord showed me He was judging His saints, separating the Wheat from the Tares, that the Household of Faith was getting their portion of Meat in this God’s due season. The Angel was sealing the last ones of the members of the Bride, with the Seal of the living God. They were a little flock and the last one would soon be sealed, then the Lord would come in a cloud of glory to take His bride to the Marriage Feast, or Supper.

God help all who read this Vision to take warning, and repent for the Judgment of God is at hand.