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While holding a, revival in Fostina, Ohio, in March, 1894, while in my bed, I had a vision of God. I thought I was in a day-meeting, and was standing by the pulpit. Some man in the congregation spoke in a loud voice, saying, “Sister Woodworth, look at the hand above the door.” I looked in that direction, and right above the door, coming from the vestibule, I saw a large hand, wrist and part of the arm. The wrist was bare for several inches. There was a soft, flowing sleeve, that hung down about eight inches. It was white and very soft looking. The fingers were all bent a little, except the little and index fingers. They pointed out each way. The hand and arm were lovely. The sleeves and all were white and shining. The hand and arm moved about and pointed all over the congregation again and again, then pointed the index finger to me and waved the hand and fingers as if beckoning me, or calling me to come. The hand continued to move over the people, then pointed. Every eye saw the wonderful hand sight. I cried out in a loud voice, “Oh! that is the hand of God!”

There was a very large window on the same side of the house. The transom was open and a hand just like the other came through the transom and did just like the other, both warning and pointing the people to me. Both lovely hands pointed over the house, then to me. I cried out again and again, “Oh! that is the hand of God!” They both went away at once.

It seemed the congregation could not move. Then I said, “Oh! I believe it is the Hand of God and it means something wonderful to the people, and especially to me.” Just then I saw through the transom of the same window and clear up to Heaven, a path twenty feet or more wide: It reached from Heaven down and was, full of stars and light. As I looked I saw one of the hands and nearly all of the arm with the flowing, soft sleeve come out of Heaven and come down the shining path. Then it came across to the window, through the transom without stopping, and over the congregation, with the index finger and arm pointing to me. The finger touched me on the forehead. The little finger or thumb, or both, touched my face. The hand and arm waved over me. I felt the Everlasting Arms and the soft sleeves around me. Every one saw it then. It went straight