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across the congregation and out of the window, and up to Heaven without stopping. I cried out with a loud voice, “It is the Hand of God. It was the Everlasting Arms.” I said, “God is going to reveal Himself to me in a wondrous way, writing His laws on my mind with the Finger of God. Perhaps he is soon going to take me home.” For the devil came also to make me believe I was going to die, but I said, “No.”

The Lord showed me the Vision is concerning the Soon Coming of Christ. The warning, the hands pointing over the people, then pointing them to me and to Heaven, was God drawing the people to me to get light on the speedy coming of our Lord, and to get ready to meet him. That it would be only a few years; that I would pass through several changes in my life and work; that would be for my good and the glory of God. This Vision was not of Christ, but of God that inhabits Eternity; the Father of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The great Fatherhood and Love of God was revealed to me as never before, as a personal God. God is as much person as Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the express image of my Father’s person.” God is a spirit form. He alone had Immortality; but through Christ’s obedience unto death on the Cross He brought Life and Immortality to light.

It was the Arm of God and the Finger OF God that touched my forehead. He showed me He would seal me with, and reveal unto me, the wisdom of God and the knowledge of his glorious plan of the ages; the winding up of this Harvest; of the calling and preparation of the Bride; of the Soon Coming of Christ, the Bridegroom; that the Gentile Door will soon be closed; of the great time of trouble that will follow the Rapture or Ascension of the Bride.

All that are left will go down in, or through this great day or time of trouble that the Angel Gabriel told Daniel of—such as never was, or ever shall be again. The whole world will be taken in a snare at the winding up of that awful time with the Great Battle of God Almighty with the armies of the earth, when He comes back with his saints to set up the glorious Millennial Kingdom, which will last one thousand years, when Christ and his Bride shall judge the nations.

In that Vision the Lord gave me a special call for this work, and to give the Household of Faith their Meat in due season; to