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Another time I saw an angel, as he passed along, sealing the servants of God. He said, “Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.”

Another time I was away from here in the Spirit, and was in the City of Jerusalem. I have seen pictures of that place, and I was there. There I saw the Saviour dying on the Cross, amidst a great crowd. Oh! The pain that was on His face! I shed tears looking at Him.

Again, I saw my Saviour, sitting upon a dazzling Throne; and saw the blazing, sparkling Crown upon the Head of Him who bled and died for me.

Many of the saints in the Dallas meeting had visions of Christ as a glorious King, coming in His Royal Majesty with all the Hosts of Heaven for His Bride, and of the changing and rapture of the Redeemed of the Lord. They saw them rise with shouts of gladness, mingled with the music of Heaven. And some had glorious visions of the Marriage Supper, and saw the table with the feast spread, and the brightness of the saints as they gathered around. Jesus was seen coming on a white horse with the banner, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with all His saints riding on white horses, with the armies of Heaven coming back to earth again, to the great Battle of Armageddon, to the supper of the great Jehovah, where the Anti-Christ and his army will be destroyed and Christ will set up His Everlasting Kingdom, and the saints will reign as kings and priests for a thousand years.

The Lord is revealing things to come both on earth and in Heaven. In all our meetings, the fire of God is seen on heads like cloven tongues, and lights are seen over and around the platform by many, both saints and sinners. Jesus has been seen walking and standing in the midst.

All these terrible wars that have shaken the whole world in the last two years and almost covered the lovely lands of Europe with blood and slain, were prophesied in the Dallas meeting, less than a year beforehand and many other things that have come to pass.

The Lord greatly used Bro. Mears; he had visions of many large meetings that I would hold soon in this country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in the large cities, on the mountains, and