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in the valleys, in the largest buildings and also in large tents. He saw the crowds standing round and perceived them coming to Christ by hundreds, and saw the slain of the Lord like a battleground; also, the sick were being healed by scores and hundreds.

Oh! I thought that could not be possible! Surely I could never travel and endure so much hardness and responsibility? but it has all been fulfilled. I have traveled over twenty-two thousand miles since I was in Dallas. And he also prophesied about the book called, “Acts of the Holy Ghost.” He said God would greatly bless it and that it would be sent quickly to all parts of the world. Ten thousand copies have been scattered over land and sea, and now, at the call of the people and the leading of the Lord, I am sending out a new book, which is the seventh volume, entitled, “Signs and Wonders that God Hath Wrought.”

Written at Dallas, Texas

It could be truly said, as Peter said on the day of Pentecost, this that you see, and hear, and feel, is the promise of the Father, the wonder working Holy Ghost.

With great “signs and wonders” the Lord has stretched forth His hand in working mighty miracles; healing all manner of diseases; casting out demons; laying the people out as dead; many of the meetings look like a battlefield; sinners struck down in their sins; and saints lying like Peter and Paul as dead; the saints have been given great visions and revelations and . prophecies from heaven. :

The Holy Ghost has been seen as cloven tongues, as rays of | light, and as a great cloud of glory over the pulpit and the altar, and the Lord has been seen by many walking through the tent and about the altar.

Thousands of people are stirred and are writing to us for help, both spiritual and physical. The Macedonian cry is, “Come, come and help us or send help.”

God has called the saints, the brethren in the ministry, and the evangelists and workers from all parts. They have all fallen in line, and rejoiced in the unity, and love, and power of God in our midst, and went away feeling convinced of the need of more power of the Living God in us, and through us, and in our midst. At the end of five months as we are about to close our work