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here, the interest which has been increasing from the first, is now deeper and the presence of God is more manifest than ever.

As we are expecting to leave soon, the people are improving the opportunity and rushing here from all parts.

There are twelve just arrived from Canada, one from England; and others are on their way.

The Lord showed a brother in a vision that the Bands of Angels that sung at the birth of Jesus was singing through the saints.

The Lord is manifesting His presence more and more to His children, and encouraging us in every way that we may be ready, and be weaned away from the world, and be ready for His soon coming.

I have every reason to praise the Lord that He has wonderfully sustained me during these five months; I have been laboring very hard, not only in the meetings, but outside of meetings.

I would say to the reader that the contents of my books are as a drop in the ocean compared to the many meetings and wonderful things that have never been mentioned and no account given of them.

I am sending books forth in the name of the Lord. The Lord showed me that I must make haste and get the books out, for He is going to send them all over the world. They will not only be used to help to gather the saints together and prepare for the Marriage, and the great work of the future, but it will be a great help to those who are left to go through the Tribulation.

I ask the prayers of all the saints that shall read these lines that I may be kept continually in His will, and covered with His mighty love and power; that God through me can finish the work that He has called me to do that He may have all the glory.
December 12th, 1912.