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A. This scripture has no reference to divine healing or any of the redemption blessings, that they shall be done away in this dispensation. If there ever has been a time in this dispensation when it could have been said with reference to the full possession and manifestation of the gospel blessings, that “that which is perfect is come,” it was when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost; but we see after this mighty works of salvation and healing, and they were in no sense “done away” with, but were greatly increased. So you see the “done away” argument has no scriptural basis whatever. As long as the dispensation of grace shall last, so long shall the benefits of grace be extended to “whomsoever will.”

Q. Well, then, when was divine healing done away?

A. In the design of God it was never done away.

Q. Do you mean to say that it was perpetuated in the primitive church?

A. Certainly it was. History shows that for several centuries there was no other means of healing practiced in the church.

Q. But what after that?

A. Just what crowded out all other gospel truths—the superstitions and unbelief of the apostasy. But, thank God, the darkness is past and the Sun of righteousness with healing in his wings is shining salvation and health to all who will forsake all their old doctrines, creeds and superstitions, and get back upon the old apostolic foundation, the Word of God.

Q. But how may I know that it is still God’s will to heal?

A. Just as you may know that it is his will to save—by his Word. His Word is His Will.

Q. But it may be his will not to heal me.

A. You must go outside of God’s Word to find standing ground for such a conclusion; for there is nothing inside of the Bible about healing but what corresponds with our blessed text: “Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses.” Most people who argue that it might not be God’s will to heal them, are at the same time taking medicine and employing every possible human agency to get well. Why be so inconsistent? Why fight against God’s will? If it is his will for you not to get well, then die. Stop fighting against God.

Q. But does not sickness core from God as a blessing?

A. No. It never comes from God only in a permissive sense,