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the same as a temptation comes to us; and sickness is never a blessing to us only as any other temptation or trial may be considered a blessing. The blessing is in the deliverance and healing. Every person who has ever experienced the healing touch of God knows what a blessing to the soul comes with it. Sickness is an abnormal condition of the body and cannot be a blessing from God.

Q. If it does not come from God, then where does it come from?

A. It comes from the devil and was always dealt with by Jesus in his earthly ministry as a work of the devil. The Word of God plainly teaches us that the devil is the author of disease. Read Jon. 2.7; Luke 3.16; Acts 1.38.

Q, But are there not some other scriptures that teach us that sickness comes from God?

A. Only in a permissive sense.

Q. Does the Bible teach us that God intends to be the healer of his people without the use of medicine?

A. Yes. It nowhere commands the use of medicine with prayer and faith.

Q. But how about Hezekiah’s figs, the blind man’s clay, and Timothy’s wine?

A. It is true Isaiah told Hezekiah to take a lump of figs, but this has nothing to do with the New Testament means of healing. Also it is very evident that the figs did not heal him; but God said, “I will heal. thee.” Jesus did not, use the clay on the eyes of the blind man for any curative power; for he commanded the man at once to go and wash it off. No one has heard of blindness from birth being healed by the use of clay as a medicine since then, or ever before. It is evident that the spittle and clay were used by Jesus as a requirement of submission and obedience from the blind man. The thought must have been repulsive and humiliating to him as the clay was applied to his eyes, but, like Naaman, he submitted and obeyed and received the blessing unspeakable, of healing. Wine was recommended to Timothy as an article of diet, and would not be objectionable to-day, in its proper use, under similar circumstances.

Q. Are not medicines recognized in the word of God?

A. Yes. Let us read how it recognizes them. “Thou hast no healing medicines.” Jer. 30.13. “In vain shalt thou use many