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The Prevalence of Travel and Knowledge

“Shut up the words and seal the book even until the time of the end: many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.” (Daniel 12.4.)

Today, when an event of any note occurs, it is flashed around the world in thirty minutes, so we can readily see the wonderful strides knowledge has made within the past few years, thus fulfilling Daniel’s prophetic vision.

The first steam locomotive ever seen in the old Garden of Eden is today puffing noisely back and forth, hauling material to construct a mighty dam, which shall create a new channel for the river Euphrates, and thereby irrigate Mesopotamia, the land originally given to Abraham, and which is today being resettled through the Zionistic Society.

And Knowledge Shall Be Increased

When we stop to consider that we have gone from ox carts to flying machines in one generation, and that we have gone from no means of communication except letter and stage coach, to the immense public press, the telephone and telegraph with their ceaseless streams of news and information, and which cover the earth with their ever-increasing circulation, like falling leaves from some mighty tree of knowledge, we can readily see the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy.

Air Ships

The air ships of today that are to be seen flying about the country in different nations are another sign of the last days. The prophet Isaiah looked down through the centuries and saw the air ships of these last days, and was made to inquire, “Who are these that fly as a cloud and as the doves to their windows?” (Isa. 60.8.)

The angel told Daniel to seal up these prophecies until the time of the end, in the day of his preparation. The signs of the coming of Christ, spoken of by Daniel, Nahum and others, have been sealed through all ages, until the last fifty years.

Today the cars run over and under the river. “The gates of the rivers shall be opened.” “The chariots shall rage in the streets and shall jostle one against another in the broad ways.” (Nahum 2.4) The Lord says: “When ye shall see all these things,