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know that it is near. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled.”

These chariots or coaches should run in the day of his preparation. (See Nahum 2.3.5.) These things are to take place in the end of the harvest, the time we are now living in, when the last call is being given, the summons just before the Gentile age closes. These cars were not to run over all the land, but they were to reach Jerusalem, and the Jews were to see these signs of his preparation, in Palestine, to enable them to know the end of the dispensation and the coming of Christ was near. The cars are now running from Joppa to Jerusalem. The electric cars are also said to be running there, and sewerage and all modern improvements are now seen. Every car or train that passes there is speaking to them, and to us, in tones of thunder, as a warning voice from God saying, the harvest will soon be passed and the summer ended. The preparation days are closing. Christ is coming; go ye out to meet him.

Jesus cursed the fig tree and the Jewish nation in Palestine. The rain and dews were taken away from the land; it became a barren waste and has been for two thousand years. The Lord told them when they, the Jews, or anyone, would see the fig tree again bearing, and the latter rains and dews in Palestine, they would know the coming of the Son of man was near, even at your door.

Dear readers these signs are seen today by all who visit the Holy Land. For several years God has been sending the rains and dews, the fig trees are bearing, and many other kinds of fruit.

The flowers are blooming. The Jews are going back by the thousands. This is one of the strongest signs. Oh! praise the Lord that we are living in the close of this last generation and are permitted to give the Household of Faith their portion in this His due season. At this same time he promised to pour out his Spirit and give us the rains of spiritual power; that Christ, the chief reaper, would be with us in a cloud of glory and the Holy Ghost power to reap the harvest and gather in the wheat. Thank God we will have the pleasure of being one of the reapers.

He says to us, “Watch and pray always that you may escape all these things that are coming on the earth and stand before the Son of man.”

The angels that are now holding back the powers of darkness