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nations of the earth are gathering to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. The Lord of Lords and King of Kings, with all His armies of Heaven comes riding in triumph, down through the skies. Enoch saw the Lord coming with ten thousand of His saints. The anti-Christ has gathered his army and is about to destroy God’s children. They will gather all their armies together against Jerusalem to fight, but then the Lord comes from heaven and fights this great battle. The saints do not have to fight, the Lord Himself does the fighting.

Then the Millennial Kingdom is set up, and Satan will be chained during that thousand years. During that time, the curse, and its effects, including all weeds, thistles, and that which would produce disease, etc., have been taken away. “Nothing shall hurt or destroy in all My Holy Mountain.” The time is coming when they shall cease to make war, and the devil is taken out of the hearts of the people.

To-day they are just like wild beasts thirsting for each others blood. They are burying the living and the dead together. Pestilence also has already began its deadly havoc.

Did you ever hear of a great war breaking out so quickly. For years past the most talented men have been inventing to see who could get the most deadly weapons.

God has been holding back the tidal waves and the other destructive forces. His angel has shouted back, “Wait till the servants of God are sealed with the seal of God.”

The division of the book of Joel into chapters is bad. The first verses of the third chapter are a continuation of the last verses of the second chapter and should not be divided from them.

“In the last days I will pour out My Spirit.” Baptize with the Holy Ghost, and scatter the power of the Holy People.

God says, I will rise up in My wrath in that day. When the judgments of God are in the earth some will repent. In the last days I will pour out My Spirit. God says, wake up the heathen.

God is sealing His saints, but that sealing time is pretty nearly over.

That they speak in new tongues is a sign that the Lord is coming.

“The power of the Holy People shall be scattered,” These are they that are clay in the Potter’s hand. They are just clay, hav-