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ing no control of themselves at all. God Almighty speaks through them, “With stammering lips and other tongues will I speak unto this people, but FOR ALL THAT they will not hear.”

Proclaim and tell it to the people. Blow the Trumpet. Sound the alarm in the Holy Mountain. What is the danger? THE DAY OF THE LORD IS COMING, IT IS NEAR AT HAND.

God’s people are blowing the Trumpet. They are sounding the alarm in Zion. What is the signal of danger? THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD IS NEAR.

It is time for the saints to get this knowledge if they do not already know it. How can we give the signal if we do not know How could we warn the people of danger?

If they escape when the sword is coming, good. But warn them anyhow. If we do not warn them their blood will be on our hands. Wake up the heathen. Call up your mighty men. Call the soldiers into line. Get them ready. Get the weapons of war ready for the world’s great conflict. There never has been anything like it, nor ever will be again.

There will be a scarcity of steel. They cannot make enough of it. The nations are all the time building new warships, and manufacturing so many deadly weapons. It takes a good deal of steel to make these warships. Such monster vessels. Each nation trying to build the largest ships, and invent the most deadly weapons.

Still, they are crying; “Peace, peace,” Right in the midst of this false peace and security, death and war and destruction have come like a whirlwind.

There is a lack of steel. Where are they going to get it? Pretty soon they will not be able to meet the demand for it.

Then men will be hunting around in the farm yards, old barns, stables, and sheds, everywhere for old plowshares and pruning hooks, for everything that they can beat into swords and spears to kill their neighbors with.

“The time is coming in this glorious America when parties and factions will rise up—Labor against Capital, and other parties and factions. There will be no safety to him that goes out or goes in. And at that time they will not be able to buy or sell, unless they have the mark of the beast. It will be death, and to have the mark of the beast will mean the second death.