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God Visiting San Antonio With Mighty Power

Published by the “Word and Witness” at Malvern, Ark.

It has pleased our Heavenly Father to grant us a gracious time of refreshing in this city during the past six weeks. Sister Etter has preached the old time Gospel, not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in the power and demonstration of the Spirit. She has utterly ignored the “Creeds, Theories and Dogmas of Men,” and held high the “Blood Stained Banner of King Emmanuel,” pointing to the bleeding victim of Golgotha as THE ONLY HOPE OF THE RACE.

From the first God set His seal on the work, “Confirming the word with signs and wonders in the name of Jesus.” Sinners have been gloriously saved, the sick healed, the deaf have received hearing, the lame, have been made to walk, and many have received. the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking with tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Some Healing Miracles

A Spanish lady, a Catholic, 79 years of age, all crippled up with paralysis, came into the meeting, was saved, healed and filled with the glory of God; her face shining like an angel as she stood on the altar praising God with uplifted hands for saving her soul arid healing her body. A man 80 years old, his form all bent with rheumatism for years, a great sinner (a Catholic), came into the meeting, heard the singing, saw the shining faces, felt the mighty power of God, fell down at the altar under awful conviction, got saved and healed, threw down his stick and ran up and down the aisle shouting the praises of God.

An aged man, a precious saint of God, living in this city, who for years has been an invalid, suffering from a fall, unable to come to the meetings, but was brought in a buggy, was prayed for and God touched him. Now, using his own terms, he "can walk like a man." Many miracles have been performed in Jesus' name. People have been healed of cancer, tumor, catarrh, rheumatism, diabetes, consumption, sore eyes, and eating sores. Lame limbs have been made whole, and deaf ears have been opened.

One lady, dying, from all appearances with heart failure, was snatched from the very jaws of death. Her form was cold and limp, her eyes glassy, and the death damp stood on her brow.