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She had bidden all good-bye and was sinking fast when Sister Etter reached her. But, glory be to God, when our sister rebuked “the grim monster,” commanding him to loosen his grip, and calling to the departing one to come back, she rallied and came forth in the strength of Israel’s God. Now for over a week she has been in the meeting, shouting and praising God.

Other Signs and Wonders

Beside the mighty miracles of healing, God has shown many other signs of His mighty presence, and the soon coming of the Lord. In many ways the Holy Ghost has signified that we were near the end. Sometimes during the preaching God’s power would settle down on the saints till some were melted to tears, others saw wonderful visions of His coming glory. Sometimes Sister Etter was held like a statue, unable to utter a word. Other times she stood weeping over the people, while the power of God swept over all like the tide of a great ocean.

Around the altar souls saw visions of Him who is walking today among the “candlesticks, holding the stars in His right hand.” Numbers seem to hear that voice as the sound of “Great Waters” and like John fell at His feet as dead. The unsaved, beholding the shining faces of those lying as dead men in the presence of God, wept and said, “These are strange things.”

Many saw visions of Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Sometimes the Spirit would move like a gentle breeze, fanning every soul with the breath of heaven, then send torrents of weeping over the lost until it seemed to some that the very shades of the dark “tribulation” cloud was casting a shadow all around us. One morning while the Spirit was dealing with the saints in a marvelous way, suddenly a sister began to speak in a tongue unknown to any one present, but seemed to be calling us forth to battle. At this same time several in the Spirit were hearing the tramp, tramp of a mighty army, and two saw the mighty army of heaven riding forth on white horses. Then the lady who had been speaking in tongues began giving a shout of victory, and victory was felt in many hearts, which was taken up by the saints, while the power and Spirit of God settled down upon us until it seemed the whole place was lighted up with the glory and presence of God.

God is wonderfully using our sister in gathering together the