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palate and could not talk’ intelligibly, was prayed with, and could talk plainly afterwards, greatly to his delight.

There were many other workers at the altar, and the sick ones who could not get near Mrs. Etter were often prayEd with by these brothers and sisters, and many testified that they were healed. The power of God was so manifest in the altar services that it seemed very easy to lead souls to Christ, and to see them receive Him with great simplicity. Others received the Pentecostal Baptism.

Sometimes a wonderful wave of praise and joy would strike the audience, and many faces would shine with heavenly rapture. On one occasion there was a marvelous heavenly anthem, in which many voices joined. One lady who was herself quite a musician, who had never heard anything of the kind, said afterwards to me with surprise and pleasure, “I think some angels must have been helping.

Since I began to write this article, a lady (almost a stranger to me) said over the phone: “I never expect to be as near heaven again while on earth, as I was in those meetings.” And then she added about Mrs. Etter, “How wonderful she was in always pointing us to Jesus, and never letting any one get their eyes on her.” Yes, praise God, that was true. She begged the Christians to hold her up in prayer, while she preached.

Praise the Lord for the privilege of looking into the faces and taking the hand of fellowship; of so many of the redeemed of the Lord. The power of the Lord was wonderful in leading the believers out into the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and clearing up experiences, and to heal the sick. Multitudes went forth to publish the word with power and gifts as never before.”
By the Editor
Mrs. C. J. Montgomery.