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Mighty Signs and Miracles

While holding meetings at Dallas, Tex., Bro. Scott came from California to attend the meeting. God gave him a vision, showed him that I was to go to California to take charge of a great camp meeting, and he was to make all the arrangements. Bro. Bosworth was asked to attend also, but he never promised to go.

I told him the Lord had given me a special call to gather the saints together, and I was making arrangements to have a world-wide camp meeting, but when we prayed about the matter we all felt what the Lord was calling me to do, and that the world-wide camp meeting was to be held at Los Angeles, Calif.

Bro. Scott started home, advertising the meeting all along the way, and all over the country; telling that I would be there. They succeeded in a marvelous way in making all the arrangements, in getting and preparing the tents, and everything connected with the temporal management, good light and everything for our comfort. Dear. Bro. Studd assisted in all the arrangements, both brothers making every sacrifice to make things convenient and comfortable.

Thousands gathered from all over the state, some from foreign lands, and we believe it was the largest gathering of saints in the last days. The President, Bro. Scott, stated that two hundred ministers were on the platform, sitting in fellowship and love. The Lord was present showing His approval of the word, with mighty signs and miracles, especially in healing and baptizing with the Holy Ghost and fire. The slaying power was also greatly manifested, and many were struck down with the power.

Some had visions and revelations. It was stated by reliable ministers, two thousand persons were prayed for by the laying on of hands. Many ministers and evangelists received great power and gifts, by the laying on of my hands. These all went forth with great faith, expecting to have power over unclean

Spirit and devils, to cast out and to cure diseases. I have since