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On the way home from a revival-meeting I took a severe cold, which settled in my throat. We stopped in Columbiana, ten miles from home. While there a Methodist class-leader requested me to take charge of the prayer-meeting, and preach for them. As it was too late to announce a meeting, I told him I would go if able, and we would have a praise-meeting, as I could only speak in a whisper. The church had gone out after style, and pride, and festivals, etc., until they had lost their power. They were in a lifeless condition. I went, and to my surprise the people were coming in crowds. They continued to come until the house was crowded—and they said the house would hold a thousand people. There I was, barely able to sit up, so hoarse I could hardly speak, with no minister or anyone to help me. I never had stood before such a congregation, or so much style. I trembled in my seat; but oh, how I clung to God. In silent prayer I asked him to take away the cold and hoarseness, and man-fearing spirit, and everything, and give me a message for that dying people.

I thought if I could get up into the pulpit I would tell the people it was a mistake; that I had not promised to speak. It seemed so far away. But I went, and stood up to make an apology for the first time since I had started to work for the Lord. As I did so this text came to mind: "I am doing a great work, and I can not come down." I trusted God to take away my cold. The first five minutes they could hardly understand a word. Then my voice got clear and strong, and they could hear distinctly all over the house; and the words just seemed to roll out. I talked for one hour, and the power of God was wonderfully manifested. All over the house people wept, and a death-like solemnity settled over the congregation. They wanted me to go on with a revival, but I could not. Whenever I think of that meeting it strengthens my faith, and I feel like praising God for victory through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him be glory, and power, and praise forever and ever. Amen.

I had various calls to take a stationary work where I could

have done well. The United Brethren wanted me to take charge