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Signs and Wonders

of the Woman's Missionary Society, or take a circuit; the Bible Christians wanted me to unite with them, and take charge of three large churches; and the Methodists wanted me to take charge of one church. These were all within ten miles of home, and I would have received a good salary. But I felt that my mission was that of an evangelist. I felt that my work was not confined to one charge or place, but wherever the Lord was leading me. I joined with the United Brethren Church and got permission to preach and organize churches. I felt that the time had come when I must break up house-keeping and leave home and friends and our only child, to travel through the West. It was a sore trial. I had to flee to the Rock that is higher than I before I could say:

"Lord, obediently I'll go,
Gladly leaving all below;
Only thou my leader be,
And I still will follow thee."

My husband was now willing and anxious to go with me in the work. It required strong faith, for we had to start without purse or scrip, like the disciples, trusting the Lord to supply our needs. I find the promise of Jesus verified. If we leave all for his sake, we shall have houses and lands, sisters and brothers, and a home in heaven. I find dear mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, and dear children born into the kingdom, wherever I. go, who are as dear to me as my own.

Prior to going West, I held nine revivals, organized two churches—one of them with about seventy members; organized a Sabbath-school of about one hundred scholars, and appointed a prayer meeting at the same place; preached in twenty-two meeting-houses and four school-houses, for eight different denominations, and delivered two hundred sermons. This work was accomplished in about one year and a half. God blessed my labors in this short time with more glorious results than I had expected to see in years, or perhaps in a life-time of labor. Praise His Holy Name.

When we went West to engage in the work which God was calling me to do, the first place at which we stopped was at Willshire, Ohio. I preached in the M. E. Church the same evening, and the next day we went to Fairview. Here Bros. S. and T. were just closing a series of meetings. The class requested me to