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Signs and Wonders

It is a terrible thing to procrastinate till the Spirit leaves us to our doom, till we become past feeling, given over to hardness of heart. “As I live saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?” Life is set before you without money and without price, but it will avail you nothing unless you accept him as your personal Savior. The devils believe and tremble on account of the punishment that awaits them.


The last lovely morning,
All blooming and fair,
Is fast onward fleeting
And soon will appear.

While the mighty, mighty, mighty trump
Sounds, come, come away:—
Oh! let us be ready to hail the glad day.

And when that bright morning
In splendor shall dawn,
Our tears shall cease flowing,
Our sorrows be gone.

The Bridegroom from glory
To earth: shall descend;
Ten thousand bright angels
Around him attend.

The graves will be opened,
The dead shall rise,
And with the Redeemer,
Mount up to the skies.

The saints then immortal
In glory shall reign—
The bride with the Bridegroom
Forever remain.