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I Held meeting in the Baptist Church of Hoagland, which continued five days and was attended with wonderful displays of God's power. The other denominations were all prejudiced against this church, for some cause or other unknown to me, and they did not feel like working, and sat back. The Baptists were very weak and not in working order. Some of the converts from other places came, and went to work with wonderful power.

I never saw such manifestations of the power of God before or since. The house was full of the glory of God. It was like a mist. People fell down in their seats all over the house, overpowered with the glory of God. Sinners came out crying for mercy.

A Universalist, an infidel and a Catholic, each seventy years of age, were converted. Two of these came out the last night.

The altar was crowded night after night.

There were about fifty converted, and many reclaimed. The work has been going on gloriously. My prayer for the dear people of Hoagland is that they may be kept in peace and love, until God shall say come up higher, where we shall meet again.

On Friday evening I held meeting in the Lutheran Church. Several ministers were present from the different places where I had held meetings the year before. They all gave good reports of the success of the meetings I had held on their charges, and of the change in the neighborhood. We had indeed a time of rejoicing.

Fourteen ministers were present during this meeting.

In the evening the people came by hundreds. It is said that there were about two thousand on the ground; and although the lights were very poor, the best of order prevailed.

There were two or three hundred persons present who had been converted in my meetings in the past winter. It made my heart leap for joy when I saw their happy faces and heard them speak of their enjoyments in the service of the Lord. Some were aged ones who had been as brands taken from the eternal burning.

The hour for preaching had come. It was a trying moment