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Signs and Wonders

weep. We all got on our knees. This was the first time this strong man, this tall cedar, had ever bowed before the living God. In a little while the news had spread all over the city. But that night when he came boldly into the crowded opera house and bowed at the altar, and in a moment another leading lawyer of the city bowed at his side, the excitement and surprise of the people had no bounds. I praise God for victory at this place, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

While at Hartford City, calls came from churches in Cincinnati, Fort Wayne, Union City, and many other large cities. They sent one dispatch after another, urging me to come. But God's ways are not our ways; he does not see as man sees. God looks in the heart; man judges from outward appearances. The Lord showed me I must go to a little town fifteen miles away, called New Corner. I rode in a sleigh. When I got there I was so hoarse I could only speak in a whisper, and so tired I could not walk without assistance. It was time for meeting. The house and yard were crowded. I could hardly get through to the pulpit. I commenced singing, trusting God to take away the hoarseness and give me voice. In five minutes my voice was strong and clear. I sang in the strength and power of God. I sang two or three hymns. The power of God fell upon me, and remained all the week I was there. It could be seen and heard, and felt by all who came to the meetings. I preached that night the only sermon while there. After that night I would be interrupted by sinners falling in the congregation. Then there would be a rush to the altar, and shouts by the friends of those who were stricken down. In a few minutes the house would be turned into a mourners’ bench.

The first night of the meeting, while we were singing, I reached-over to shake hands with a man who was standing in the aisle. I asked him to come to Christ. He began to tremble and fell backward, I thought I would not talk to any one else for fear the people would attribute the power to me instead of God. As I stepped back one of the ministers on the pulpit, the pastor of the church, threw up his hands and fell. The fear of God fell upon the sinners. They thought if the ministers had to go down there was no chance for them to escape. They tried to get out of the church, but they could not; the house was so packed there was no room to move. Sixty sinners who were near the altar