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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

came to the altar; others had to stay back because of want of room. When the minister came out of the trance he told of the wonderful vision he had, of the horrors of hell and the beauty of heaven. He said heaven was a real city. He saw many of his friends there, and talked with them. He saw the hosts of angels. He saw people in hell that he knew on earth. God showed him some that would go there if they did not repent and be saved in this meeting. This vision stirred the churches and ministers. The ministers came to the altar for a baptism of power. Nearly all their members followed. The second morning they took all the seats out of the church to make all the room they could for the people to stand. They took two rows of seats and made a double altar from the pulpit to the door. They made one on the right and one on the left of the pulpit. These were crowded most all the time, day and night.

Sometimes they were four double. Scores were saved who did not come to the altar. One night there were one hundred and fifteen converted. Nearly all who were saved during this revival, when the Spirit of God came in their hearts, they fell under the power, or sprang to their feet, shouting the praises of God. Those who fell would lay, some fifteen minutes, some half an hour, some: one or two hours, some a day and night, and others longer. They would all come out praising: God. I commenced the meetings at nine o’clock in the morning, and continued till twelve at night. We could not close, there were so many outside; when one went out, one came in. Sinners were struck down at their homes, and along the highways. They were saved for miles around.


One day fifteen doctors came from different cities to investigate the power and trances. When they came I was lying under the power of the Holy Ghost. I remained several hours: God used me and others that were in a trance at the same time, in a way that convinced them that it was the power of God. One of the doctors was a class-leader. He did not want to admit the power was of God. He would have been glad if they could proved it was something else. He came to investigate the trances but he was called to another part of the house; he went, expecting to find something new. To his surprise he found his son at the altar,