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Signs and Wonders

and wanted his father to pray for him. He could not pray. God showed him what he was, and what he was doing. He began to pray for himself. While praying he fell in a trance, and saw all the horrors of hell. He was falling in. After a terrible struggle God saved him. He went to work to win souls for Christ. I have heard him tell his awful experience to thousands. Not less than five hundred were saved in one week, and hundreds after the meeting closed, as the result. Men and women were converted miles from the church. Many were struck down, and lay like dead men, on their way home, and miles away from the meeting. Would to God the people could see that it is the mighty moving power of God we need to save the people, as on the day of Pentecost, when three thousand souls were saved.

The closing scenes of this meeting were very affecting, and the meeting was one of unusual interest, being the last of the series. Many bright testimonies were given by those who were converted.

“No pen, save that of the recording angel, could describe the scenes enacted here to-night. Almost the whole house was transformed into an altar, and cries of mercy from many scores were mingled with shouts of victory. No one can prophecy where this work will end. Many superstitious persons stay away for fear of Mrs. W.’s power to overcome them. Others refuse to shake her hand.

“She came to us, as she does to all her appointments, with the earnest and hearty recommendations of her former neighbors and friends. Letters are now in our midst, and can be seen at any time, from prominent citizens, which sustain her as an energetic, whole-souled Christian lady. Whatever may be said of the trances, there is no denying the fact that her meetings are productive of great good, and that when the sheaves are finally bound for eternity many will bless the name of the evangelist.”—Indianapolis Journal.