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Signs and Wonders


After long solicitation, which had been kept up constantly for over four months, I next went to Kokomo, Indiana, and for three weeks God wonderfully blessed me and the people of that city.

My first meeting was held in the Friends’ Church, which was very large. It would not hold the people. The next day we went to the court house. While there Barnum’s show came to the city. The papers said there would be a race between the Woodworth meeting and the show to see who would get the biggest crowd. Hundreds came to the city to go to the show, but when they heard of the wonderful meeting in the court house they came there. Once, while the great show was passing, I was preaching and held the crowd. The next time they passed there were several hundred on their knees in prayer. Not one went to the window. Praise God for such victory through the power of the Holy Ghost. We went from the court house to the skating rink, the largest building in the city. About one hundred were baptized. It was said about twenty thousand witnessed this solemn and wonderful scene. The first one baptized was a Methodist minister. About twenty church members who had not thought of being baptized were so impressed they stepped out with their best clothes on and were baptized. The crowds were so large I had to appoint three meetings that night. One was held in the court house yard and one on the street. Some ministers took charge of these meetings, and I held services in the rink. The power of God was felt for fifty miles round. Thousands of souls were brought into the light of God. The Sabbath we closed God gave us a pentecost. The Holy Ghost fell on the multitude that had crowded in the rink and around the door. The power of God had been poured out in all the meetings, and “signs and wonders” followed and rested upon the people. The Holy Ghost sat upon the blood-washed sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty.

In two hours five hundred converts had testified that they knew they were saved by the power of God, and happy on their way to heaven. Many fell under the power of the Holy Ghost while speaking. Many fell in all parts of the house. Old men and women wept aloud. Others shouted, and sinners cried for mercy. All classes were stricken down in the meetings; many church members and ministers of different denominations, not