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Life and Work of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter

only in the meetings, but in the city and miles away. They had wonderful visions of hell and heaven, and many of the deep things of God. As they stood and told these visions the fear of God fell upon the people, and hundreds were convicted and brought to Christ.

One minister on his way home stopped ten miles away with some friends who had been to the meeting; while there, he fell in a trance The news soon spread. The neighbors gathered in. One left his plow and went in. He had been fighting off conviction. As he looked at his minister lying like one dead, the Spirit of God showed him if he was not converted before he come out of the trance he would be lost forever. He fell on his knees and called upon God to save him. Others followed. The house became a mourner’s bench. Soon their mourning was turned to shouts of praise. Before the minister came back from his visit to heaven, the news had been shouted around the throne: “Sinners are coming home to God.” This is only one instance out of hundreds where God has started a revival far away from the meetings, by striking some one down in a trance. The great revival at Cornelius’ house was all brought about by two trances, one a sinner, the other a saint, though they were many miles apart at the time. God used three visions to bring about the conversion of Saul. If I would write all the mighty works of God, I would have to write a book for each meeting.