Page:Simple Lessons in Irish, Part 1 - O'Growney.pdf/13

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the noun which they qualify; as, cú óg (koo ōg), a young greyhound; an gort mór, the big field; gort mór, árd, a big high field.

§ 21. Words.

árd (aurdh), high, tall (mae), I
(bō), a cow mór (mōr), great big, large
bos (bŭs), palm of hand
cos (kŭs), a foot óg (ōg), young
(koo),a greyhound sál (saul), a heel
glas (glos), adj. green srón (srōn), nose
glún (gloon), knee (thoo), thou
gort (gŭrth), a field úr (oor), fresh, new

Proper names: Art (orth) Art, Úna (oon′-ă), Una.

The conjunction “and”: agus (og-ăs).

§ 22. ACCENTS. In words of two syllables the accent is usually upon the first syllable, as marked in oon′-ă, og′-ăs. The vowel of the last syllable, when short, is then, as a rule, obscure (see § 14, above).

§ 23. Translate into English, reading the Irish aloud: Tú agus mé. Bó óg. Glún agus sál. Cor agus bos. Cos agus sál Gort árd glas. Úna óg. Bó agus cú. Gort mór árd. Cú mór. Bó óg agus cú.

§ 24. Translate into Irish, reading the Irish aloud: A high heel. A foot, a heel, a nose, a palm. A green field. A high green field. A young cow. Young Art and I. Art and Una. A green field, a cow. A young greyhound. A big young greyhound.


§ 25. The verb To be. The English “am,” “art,” “is,” “are,” are all translated