Page:Simple Lessons in Irish, Part 1 - O'Growney.pdf/29

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79. In the phonetic key will be found the sounds to be given to “ou,” and “ei.” The East Munster a-ou is pronounced rapidly. Sometimes the sound of oo is given in Munster to “o”; as anonn, over (in Conn. ăn-ŭN, in Munst. ăn-ooN′), as, ag dul anonn, going over.

80. We can now introduce many familiar words involving these prolonged vowel sounds. In the table on preceding page, § 78, we have given the pronunciation of some, viz:—

am, time im, butter
binn, sweet mall, slow
crann, a tree mill, destroy
dall, blind poll, a hole
donn, brown-haired trom, heavy

81. milis sweet to taste; binn, sweet to hear.

82. Atá blas milis ar an im úr. Atá Art óg agus atá sé dall. Atá poll mór ag an dún. Atá crann mór ag fás ar an árdán. Atá an capall mall. Atá an mála trom, níl an mála lán fós. Ná mill an balla árd. Níl Conn bán, atá sé donn. Atá Tomás ag an doras, agus atá Úna ag dul anonn do’n tobar. Níl Art trom, atá sé óg agus lag fós.

§ 83. Leave bread and butter on the stool. Do not praise a slow horse. There is a large, green tree at the well. Conn is blind; Art is not blind. The boat is long and heavy. The tree is not green yet; the tree is dry. There is no bread on the floor. The heavy boat is on the land. Do not break the heavy lock; leave the door closed. Leave the heavy bag on the floor.