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Now up in the morning’s no for me.
up in the morning early;
No fate can be waur, in the winter time;
than rise in the morning early.

A cosey house an canty wife,
keeps ay a body cheerly;
An’ pantry stow’d wi’ meal an’ maut,
it answers unco rarely.
But up in the morning, na, na, na,
up in the morning early!
The gowans maun glent on bank an’ brae,

when I rise in the morning early.

Loudon’s Bonny Woods & Braes.

Loudon’s bonnie woods and braes,
I maun lea’ them a’, Lassie;
Wha can thole when Britain’s faes
Wou’d gi’e Britons law; Lassie?

Wha wou’d shun the field of danger?
Wha to Fame wou’d live a stranger?
Now, when Freedom; bids avenge her;

Wha wou’d shun her ca’, Lassie?
Loudon’s bonnie woods and braes,
Ha’e seen our happy bridal days;
And gentle hope shall soothe thy waes.

When I am far awa’, Lassie.