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Let heroes chase the phantom fame,
Peru's rich ore let miser's claim,
My only wish, my dearest aim,
Is that sweet nymph of Busbie, O.


She's all my fancy painted her,
She's lovely, she's divine;
But her heart it is another's,
She never can be mine.
Yet loved I as man never loved,
A love without decay;—
Oh, my heart—my heart is breaking
For the love of Alice Gray.

Her dark brown hair is braided o'er
A brow of spotless white;
Her soft blue eye now languishes—
Now flashes with delight.
The hair is braided not for me,
The eye is turn'd away;—
Yet my heart—my heart is breaking
For the love of Alice Gray.

I've sunk beneath the summer's sun,
And trembled in the blast;
But my pilgrimage is nearly done,
The weary conflict's past.