Page:Six popular songs (4).pdf/8

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And when the green sod wraps my grave,
May pity haply say,
Oh his heart—his heart was broken
For the love of Alice Gray.


There is a land amidst the waves,
Whose sons are famed in story;
Who never were, or will be slaves,
Nor shrink from death and glory.
Then strike the harp and bid it swell,
Admiring worlds adore ye;
Shout blessings on the land we dwell,
To England, Europe's glory!

Blest land, beyond all lands afar,
Encircled by the waters;
With lion-hearted sons in war,
And beauty's peerless daughters.
Go ye, whose discontented hearts
Disdain the joys before ye;
Go seek a home in foreign parts,
Like England, Europe's glory.