Page:Slavonic Fairy Tales.djvu/15

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Ivan Kruchina Russian 117
Right and Wrong Servian 130
Men-Wolves Polish 135
Yanechek and the Water Demon Bohemian 141
Spirit Treasures Russian 159
Just Earnings are Never Lost Servian 163
Story of Little Simpleton Russian 170
Jonek Polish 178
The Maiden who was Swifter
than the Horse
Servian 187
The Book of Magic Russian 190
The Wise Judgment Bohemian 194
Twardowski Polish 208
The Maiden who was Wiser
than the King
Servian 214
Madey Polish 220
The Long-desired Child Bohemian 226
The Wicked Wood-Fays Bohemian 232
The Wonderful Bird Servian 238
Wisdom and Fortune Bohemian 243
The Three Brothers Servian 250
The Brownie, or House Spirit Bohemian 257
All about Twopence Servian 265


"Play, oh Pipe, play!" (Frontispiece.)
"Irik was almost blinded by its radiance" 107
"The bread was nicely baked" 256
"This is his house, and there he lies dead in it" 269