Page:Smith - The game of go.djvu/151

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"Kiri Kaeshi." This move does not attack the cornet so aggressively as the preceding examples.

5. R 4. This is the characteristic move of this variation.

6. Q 5. This is an important move for Black; if he plays elsewhere, he will get a bad position.

7. R 2. White threatens the black stone. If Black defends White can divide the corner.

8. S 3.

9. P 2. "Kake tsugu." If White does not make this move, Black will get the "Sente" with a superior position.

10. S 2. Formerly S 4 was given as Black's move, but it is not so good, because White replies at R 8 with a fine attack.

11. S 1. White cannot neglect this move. If Black were allowed to play at R 1, he would get the better game.

12. R5.

In this opening the corner is about evenly divided.



White Black
1. R 14. 2. N 17.
3. P 14. Preparing for "Kiri Kaeshi" on the other side of handicap stone. 4. R 11. Called "Tenuki." Not necessarily played at R 11. The word means that Black "draws out" and plays in another part of the board.
5. P 16. 6. P 17.
7. Q 17. "Kiri Kaeshi." The effect of this move is generally to divide the territory. 8. R 17.
9. Q 18. 10. R 18.