Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/218

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212 Southern Historical Society Papers.

At a meeting of the Vestry of Trinity Church held on Monday, September 17, 1870, on motion the following resolution was unani- mously adopted :

" The Vestry request the pastor to cause the memorial window to be put in its place in the church at the expense of the Vestry, and authorize him to draw on the treasurer for the expense thereof." ( Vide Parish Records.)

The original order from the Secretary of the Navy at Washington was destroyed with other official papers by a fire, which occurred in the navy-yard some years since the restoration of the window to its place in the church.

The First North Carolina Volunteers and the Battle of


[This compilation, of special interest to North Carolina veterans, has been furnished the editor by an early field officer of the First North Caro- lina Regiment, and is published for the value of its contemporaneous detail and as a memorial of a gallent regiment and its distinguished officers.]


RALEIGH, April 19, 1861. COLONEL :

You are hereby commanded to organize the Orange Light Infan- try (Captain R. J. Ashe), Warrenton Guards (Captain Wade), Hornet- Nest Rifles (Captain Williams), Enfield Blues (Captain Bell), Lumberton Guards (Captain Norment), Duplin Rifles (Captain Kenan), Charlotte Greys (Captain Ross), Thomasville Rifles (Cap- tain Miller), Granville Greys (Captain Wortham), Columbus Guards (Captain Ellis), into a regiment, to be designated the " First Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers."

The cadets of the North Carolina Military Institute can be at- tached to this regiment with the consent of their parents and guar- dians. The seat of war is the designation of the regiment, and Virginia, in all probability, will be the first battle-ground.

The services of this regiment will not exceed six months, but the men should be prepared to keep the field until the war is ended. The grey or blue blouse will be recognized as a suitable uniform.