Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/53

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Prisoners North and South. 4Y

The allusion in the columns of the Times to the "Grapevine" and "Fresh Fish" will be recognized by old soldiers, the former being applied to the rumors of events occurring outside the prison that were supposed to be communicated through the "grapevine," or "underground telegraph" line.

"Fresh Fish" was the term applied to new arrivals, captured on recent battle-fields. Upon their entrance to the fort they were greeted with the cry of " Fresh Fish" by all the old residents, and immediately interviewed to learn the latest from the outside world, and if "Lee had whipped 'em again."

The Times is dated April 8th the day before Lee surrendered the remnants of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox and it is presumed that no later number of the Times was issued, but that the occupants of the different "divisions" were soon released and wended their way to their homes in Dixie land.


[Springfield Republican.}


Interesting Statistics as to Mortality Among Prisoners During the War.

To the Editor of The Republican :

The tone of fairness which is evident in your editorial of Septem- ber 4th on "Rebel Prisoners at Camp Morton" emboldens me to write you concerning the treatment of prisoners during our late un- happy war. I should deeply regret the result of a discussion of this subject should it arouse animosities or rekindle feelings of bitterness. After more than a quarter of a century has elapsed the survivors or the partisans of both sides in that terrible conflict should be able un- blinded by passions natural to and engendered in the tumult of war, and unbiased by predjudice calmly to discuss the merits and de- merits of either side of this question.

That which we term civilized warfare is realy only semi- civilized. On either side the lot of the soldier was hard at best, and the lot of