Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/409

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INDEX, African Slavery, The Problem of, 227. Alexander, C. S. Navy, Capt., 10. Allen, Col. J. W., 308. Anderson, Gen. G. T., 88. Appomattox C. H , Accdunt of the surrender at, 56. Artillery of the A. N. Va., Address on, 191. Association of A. N. Va., Re-union of 225 ; offi- cers of, 238. Augusta, Ga., Confederate Survivors' Associa- tion of, 166. Barney, C. S. Navy, Lt. J. N., 9. Barksdale, Surgeon, Randolph, 95. Barnwell, Capt. Robt., Gallantry of, 176. Barton, Col. W. B., 182. Baum, Marcus, Death of, 89. Bernard, Hon. D. M., 94, 199. Bernard, Geo. S., 68, 75, 77. Bethel, Battle of, 65. Bidgood, Col. J. V., 353, 401. Blackford, Cpl.W. W., 49. Brander, Maj. T. A., 185, 323, 367, 378, 398, 401. Breckinridge, Gen. John C., 207. Breckinridge, Hon. W. C. P., 225. Bridges, Capt. John L., 65. Brooke, C. S. Navy. Lt. J. M., 2. Brown, Col.J. Thompson, 291. Buchanan, Commander F., 9. Cavalry of A. N. Va., Address on the, 199. Chatfield, Col. J. L., Death of, 180. Chew, Capt. W. S., 33. Chew, Col. R. P, 33. Chickamauga, Confederate losses at battle of, 124. Christian, Hon. Geo. L., 191, 238, 261, 296, 356, 401. Claiborne, Surgeon James W., 83, 84. Claiborne, Dr. John Herbert, 201. Collier, Hon. chas. F., 201. Columbus, Justin Winsor's criticism of, 338. Commonwealth Club, The, 213. Confederate Army and Navy, Statistics and casualties of, 109, 123, 238 ; disabled survivors of, 120, 141 ; losses in from the several South- ern States, 141 ; provisions for relief of vete- rans Florida, 142 : Georgia, 146; Louisiana, 151 ; Mississippi, 157 ; South Carolina, 163 ; Texas, 165 ; Virginia, 165, 315. Confederate Generals, Living, 34; first ap- pointed. 98. Confederate, The first killed in battle, 63. Confederate Veterans of Va., Roster of Camps and Officers, 398. Cullen, Surgeon J. S. D., 95. Cutshaw, Col. W. E., 238, 261. Dame, D. D., Rev. W. M., 261. Davis, President Jefferson, Ingalls' tribute to,

Davis and Johnston, Cause of their variance, . Did the Federals Fight Against Superior Numbers? 238. Doby, Capt. A. E., Death of, 89. Dunn, Major Andrew, 95. Early, Tribute of, to Gen. Ewell,32. Echols, Gen. John, 26. Edwards, Leroy S., 74. Ellett, Capt Thos., 185, 238, 361, 399. Ellyson, Hon. J. Taylor, 185, 201, 261, 361. Emory, Col. A., wounded, 182. Etheridge, Major, 79. Eweli, Col. Benj. S., 26. Ewell's Opinion of Gen. Jackson, Gen., 26 Ex-Confederate, and What He Has Done in Peace, The, 225. Farley, James A., Death of, 77. Federal and Confederate Armies, relative numbers and losses of, 238. Federals fire on their own wounded, n. Feild, Col. E. M., 84. Field, Gen. C. W., 88. Fisher, Fort, The Defence of, 301. Flournoy, Hon. H. W., 185, 202. 356, 401. Foreman, Midshipman Ivey, 9. Forts Sumter, Johnston, Moultrie, and bat- teries Gregg and Wagner, location of, 169. Forrest, Lt.-Gen. N. B., Lord Wolseley's esti- mate of, 325. Fulkerson, Col. Abe, 309. Fugitive slave law nullified, The, 382. Gaillard, Col. P. C., 172. Generals of the C. S. Army, Living, 34. Gordon, Gen. John B., no, 400. Gorham, Hon. Geo. C., 205. Gregg's Texas Brigade, 71. Gregg, Fort, The Artillery Defenders of A correction, 33. Graham, Col. Robt , 169. Greene, Death of Col., 182. Groner, Gen. V. D., 92. Hagood, Gen. Johnson, 181. Harcourt, Sir Wm., 343. Harris, Gen. D. B., Life and Services of, 395. Heroine of Confederate Point, The, a contem- poraneous account of the defence of Fort Fisher, Dec. 24-25, 1864, 301. Heth, Gen. Harry, 356; Sketch of, 389. Hiden, D. D., Rev. J. C., 307. Hill, Gen. A. P., unveiling of the statue of, at Richmond, with ceremonies and oration of Gen. J. A. Walker, 352 ; how killed and by whom, 349, 383 ; characteristics of, 384 ; his name last on the lips of Lee and Jackson, 385 ; presentation of statute of, to A. P. Hill Camp, Petersburg, Virginia, ceremonies of, speeches at, etc., 184. Hill Camp of Confederate Veterans, 68, 399. Hill, Hon. David B., 335. Hill, Gen. D. H., 65. Hollins, Commander Geo. N., 21. Hutton, Midshipman, 10. Ingalls, Hon. J. J., His tribute to Davis, 371. Ireson, M. M. S., 49- Jackson's Opinion of Ewell, Gen. Stonewall,

; Reminiscences of, 307 ; Tribute to, 373. 

Jackson, Wounding of Col. T. H., 182.