Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 20.djvu/411

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Virginia Cavalry, First, re-union of Co. D.; original roll, killed, wounded and survivors of, 39. Virginia Infantry, Twelfth, casualties of May , 1864,76. Virginia, The, her history, career, etc., i. Virginia Troops in the C. S. Army, 64. Voris, Col. A. C., wounded, 182. Waddell, Hon. A. M., 212. Wagner, Col. Thos. M., 170. Wagner, The Defence of Battery, 166 : garri- son of, 172; Federal loss y.nd Confederate loss at, 182 ; evacuation of, 183 ; armament Wal'ker/Gen. J. A., Oration 0^369; sketch of, . War of 1861 '5, the twelve decisive battles of, 240. War-Talks of Confederate Veterans, 68. Ward, John Shirley, 238. Watson, Captain David, 291. Webb, C. S. Navy, Lt. W. A., 9. Weeks, Prof. S. B., 63. Weisiger, Gen. D. A., 70, 77, White, B. B., Death of, 86. White, W L., Remarks of, 262. Wilderness, Battle of the, address on, 68. Williams, Capt. Chas. U., 316, 356. Williams, Col. Lewis B., 308. Williams, Gen. Seth, 59. Williamson, W. P., engineer C. S. Navy, 3- Wilson, U. S. A , Capt. L. C., 54. Winsor, Justin, 338. Wofford, Gen. W. T., 88. Wolseley, Lord, 325. Wood, C. S. Navy, Lt. John Taylor, 4, 12. Worden, Capt. John L., 16. Wright, Gen. M. J., 34, 256. Wyatt, H. L., the first Confederate soldier killed in battle, Sketch of, 63, 65. o -