Page:Spaewife, or, Universal fortune-teller (3).pdf/16

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party must expect many severe trials: if it appear with dots, either in the clear or in the thick it promises a speedy change of one's sorrow.

The Clouds.

If they be more light than dark, you may expect a good result from your hopes; but if they are black, you may give it up. Surrounded with dots they imply success in trade, and in all your undertakings; but the brighter they are, the greater will be your happiness

The Sun,

An emblem of the greatest luck and happiness if in the clear; but in the thick it bodes a great deal of sadness; surrounded by dots or dashes denotes that an alteration will easily take place.

The Moon.

If it appears in the clear, it denotes high honours in the dark, or thick part, it implies sadness, which will, however, pass without great prejudice. But if it be at the bottom of the cup, the consulting party will be very fortunate both by water and land


If it represents only one mountain, it indicates the favour of people of high rank, but several of them, especially in the thick, are signs of powerful enemies; in the clear, they signify the contrary, of friends in high life, who are endeavouring to promote the consulting party.

The Tree.

One tree only, be it in the clear or thick part points out lasting good health; several trees denote that your wish will be accomplished.

The Child.

In the clear part, it bespeaks innocent intercourse between the consultor and another person; in the thick part, excesses in love matters, attended with great expences: at the bottom of the cup it denotes the consequences of lubidinous amours, and a very destructive end.