Page:Spaewife, or, Universal fortune-teller (3).pdf/4

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2. When the eye-brows are short and narrow, denote the man good-natured and reasonable.

3. The eye-lids short and small, are thought wise and secret, yet covetous of great matters.

4. When the eye lids are long, and long hair on the eye-lashes, they signify a person of low capacity, and false in his dealings.

The Neck.

1. He or she that hath a long neck, is of a simple nature, not secret, fearfully unlearned, a glutton, and great drinker in general.

2. He that hath a neck short and small, is wise, but deceitful, secret, constant, discreet, yet passionate and ingenious.

3. He that hath the neck fat and fleshy, is proud, wherefore he is compared to a bull, who is always ready to be angry.

4. A small neck denotes a weak understanding; if a female, she will be much inclined to sickness, and knawing of the stomach.

5. A neck inclined to the right side, denotes prudence, generosity, and curious in studies; but inclined to the left side, declares vice and impudicity.

The Eyes.

1. Great eyes denote a slothful, bold, and lying person, of a rustic and course mind.

2. Eyes deep in the head, denote a great mind, yet full of doubts, but generous and friendly.

3. Little eyes, like those of a mole or pig, denote a weak understanding, and easily imposed on.

4. Beware of squint eyes, for out of one hundred you will not find two faithful. It is very ill luck to meet a squinting person.

5. Eyes that move slowly, or look sleepy, denote an unfaithful and slothful person.

6. The worst of all the eyes are the yellowish or citron--beware of them, for the possessor is a dangerous person, if yon are in his power.

7. Beware also of them, who, when they speak,