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twinkle their eyes, for they are double-minded. If it is a woman that doth so with her left eye, trust her not as to the faithfulness of her love.

But you will seldom find deceit where the eye looks with a modest confidence, not staring you out of countenance, nor averting as if detected of a crime--but when in business, lore, or friendship, there appears a tender firmness.

The Nose.

1. A long nose denotes a vain mind, unruly disposition, much given to wrangling, and not to be depended on.

2. A high nose denotes a violent person, a vain liar, and extremely lascivious, easily believing another, and very inconstant.

3. He that hath a big nose every way, long and hanging down, is covetous in every thing.

4. When the nose is crooked, signifies a proud man, and him or her is never good, but justice overtakes them.

5. He that hath the nose hairy at or above the point, is a person altogether simple-hearted.

6. A Roman or acquiline nose, denotes a haughty, arbitrary, and wranglesome person.

7. A nose that is round and long, of a pleasant feature, besides being one of the perfections of beauty, denotes the woman or maid, wise, prudent, and chaste; particularly if she has blue eyes.

The Mouth.

1. He that hath a great and broad mouth is shameless, a great babbler and liar, proud to an excess, and ever abounding in quarrelsome words.

2. A little mouth denotes a person peaceable and faithful.

3. Those that have the lips small and thin, are great talkers and railers, and given to deceit and falsehood.

4. Lips that are a little thick, and well coloured, are faithful, and given to virtue; and those who