Page:Spaewife, or, Universal fortune-teller (3).pdf/7

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These are little marks on the skin, although they appear to be the effect of chance or accident and might easily pass with the unthinking for things of no moment, are nevertheless of the utmost consequence, since from their colour, situation, size, and figure, may be accurately gathered, the temper of, and the events that will happen to the person bearing them.

A Mole on the wrist, or between that and the finger ends, shews the person to be of an ingenious and industrious turn, faithful in his engagements, amorous and constant in his affections, rather of a saving disposition, with a great degree of sobriety and regularity in his dealings.

A Mole between the elbow and the wrist, shews a placid and cheerful disposition, industry, and a love of reading, particularly books science.

A Mole near either elbow, shews a restless and unsteady disposition, with a great desire of travelling—much discontented in the marriage state, and of an idle turn.

A Mole on the right or left arm, shews a courageous disposition, great fortitude, resolution, industry, and conjugal felicity.

A Mole on the left shoulder, shews a person of a quarrelsome and unruly disposition, always inclined to dispute for trifles, rather indolent, but much inclined to the pleasures of love, and faithful to the conjugal vows.

A Mole on the right shoulder, shews a person of a prudent and discreet temper, one possessed of much wisdom, given to great secrecy, very industrious, but not very amorous, yet faithful to the conjugal ties.

A Mole on the loins, shews industry and honesty, an amorous disposition, with great vigour, courage and fidelity.