Page:Spaewife, or, Universal fortune-teller (3).pdf/8

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A Mole on the hip, shews that the person will have many children.

A Mole on the right thigh, shews that the person will become rich, and have good luck in marriage.

A Mole on the left thigh, denotes that the person suffers much by poverty and want of friends, as also by the enmity and injustice of others

A Mole on the right knee, portends that the person will be rash, inconsiderate, and hasty.

A Mole on the left knee, shews a hasty and passionate disposition, with an inconsiderate turn.

A Mole on either leg, shews that the person is indolent, and indifferent as to what happens.

A Mole on either ankle, denotes a man to be inclined to effeminacy and elegance of dress; a woman to be courageous, active, and industrious.

A Mole on either foot, forbodes sudden illness, or unexpected misfortune.

A Mole that stands on the right side of the forehead or right temple, signifies that the person will arrive to sudden wealth and honour.

A Mole on the right eye brow announces speedy marriage; and that the person to whom you will be married, will possess money, amiable qualities, and a fortune.

A Mole on the outside corner of either eye, denotes the person to be of a steady, sober, and sedate disposition; but will be liable to a violent death.

A Mole on either cheek, signifies that the person never shall rise above mediocrity in point of fortune, though at the same time he will never sink to real poverty.

A Mole on both cheeks denotes the person will know a deal of trouble, losses, and crosses, but at last arrive to be a great tradesman, and will gain great riches; will be a very public character; and also fond of rural scenes.

A Mole on the lip, either upper or lower, prevents the person to be fond of delicate things, and very