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Constitució Espanyola

regulating, clarifying and harmonizing the legal statutes to be consolidated 
6. The acts of delegation may provide for additional control devices in each case, without prejudice to the jurisdiction of the Courts.

Section 83

The acts of basic principles may in no case:
a) Authorize the modification of the act itself.
b) Grant power to enact retroactive regulations.

Section 84

In the event that a non governmental bill or an amendment is contrary to a currently valid legislative delegation, the Government may oppose its processing. In this case, a non-governmental bill may be submitted for the total or partial repeal of the delegation act.

Section 85

Government provisions containing delegated legislation shall bear the title of "Legislative Decrees".

Section 86

1. In case of extraordinary and urgent need, the Government may issue temporary legislative provisions which shall take the form of decree laws and which may not affect the legal system of the basic State institutions, the rights, duties and freedoms of the citizens contained in Part 1, the system of Self governing Communities, or the general electoral law.
2. Decree laws must be inmediately submitted for debate and voting by the entire Congress, which must be summoned for this purpose if not already in session, within thirty days of their promulgation. The Congress shall adopt an specific decision on their ratification or repeal in the said period, for which purpose the Standing Orders shall contemplate a special summary procedure.
3. During the period referred to in the foregoing subsection, the Cortes may process them as Government bills by means of the urgency procedure.

Section 87

1. Legislative initiative belongs to the Government, the Congress and the Senate, in accordance with the Constitution and the Standing Orders of the Houses.
2. The Assemblies of Self governing Communities may request the Government to adopt a bill or may refer a non-governmental bill to the Bureau of Congress and delegate a maximum of three Assembly members to defend it.
3. An organic act shall lay down the manner and the requirements of the popular initiative for submission of non-governmental bills. In any case, no less than 500.000 authenticated signatures shall be required. This initiative shall not be allowed on matters concerning organic acts, taxation, international affairs or the prerogative of pardon.

Section 88

Government bills shall be approved by the Council of Ministers which shall refer them to the Congress, attaching a statement setting forth the necessary grounds and facts to reach a decision thereon.

Section 89

1. The reading of non governmental bills shall be regulated by the Standing Orders of the Houses in such a way that the priority attached to Government bills shall not prevent the exercise of the right to propose legislation under the terms laid down in section 87.
2. Non governmental bills which, in accordance with section 87, are taken under consideration in the

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