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Constitució Espanyola

Senate, shall be referred to the Congress for reading.

Section 90

1. An organic act shall lay down the terms and procedures for the different kinds of referendum provided for in this Constitution.
2. Within two months after receiving the text, the Senate may, by a message stating the reasons for it, adopt a veto or approve amendments thereto. The veto must be adopted by overall majority. The bill may not be submitted to the King for assent unless, in the event of veto, the Congress has ratified the initial text by overall majority or by single majority if two months have elapsed since its introduction, or has reached a decision as to the amendments, accepting them or not by single majority.
3. The period of two months allowed to the Senate for vetoing or amending a bill shall be reduced to twenty calendar days for bills declared by the Government or by the Congress to be urgent.

Section 91

The King shall, within a period of fifteen days, give his assent to bills drafted by the Cortes Generales, and shall promulgate them and order their publication forthwith.

Section 92

1. Political decisions of special importance may be submitted to all citizens in a consultative referendum.
2. The referendum shall be called by the King on the President of the Government's proposal after previous authorization by the Congress.
3. An organic act shall lay down the terms and procedures for the different kinds of referendum provided for in this Constitution.

International Treaties

Section 93

Authorization may be granted by an organic act for concluding treaties by which powers derived from the Constitution shall be transferred to an international organization or institution. It is incumbent on the Cortes Generales or the Government, as the case may be, to ensure compliance with these treaties and with resolutions originating in the international and supranational organizations to which such powers have been so transferred.

Section 94

1. The giving of the consent of the State to enter any commitment by means of treaty or agreement, shall require prior authorization of the Cortes Generales in the following cases:
a) Treaties of a political nature.
b) Treaties or agreements of a military nature.
c) Treaties or agreements affecting the territorial integrity of the State or the fundamental rights and duties established under Part 1.
d) Treaties or agreements which imply financial liabilities for the Public Treasury.
e) Treaties or agreements which involve amendment or repeal of some law or require legislative measures for their execution.
2. The Congress and the Senate shall be informed forthwith of the conclusion of any other treaties or agreements.

Section 95

1. The conclusion of an international treaty containing stipulations contrary to the Constitution shall require prior constitutional amendment.
2. The Government or either House may request the Constitutional Court to declare whether or not such a contradiction exists.

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