Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/24

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Contents of Volume I
To Mrs. Schurz, October 23d 23
Invited to welcome Governor Barstow—Urged to enter politics.
To Gottfried Kinkel, December 1st, 17th 23
Speaks often in public—Studies law—Fills several public positions.
To Friedrich Althaus, February 6th 28
Lawless murders in Kansas vs. legally sanctioned murders in Europe—Attack on Sumner followed by plainer speaking in the North—Sudden death of Brooks.
To Horace Rublee, November 11th 31
Germans not to blame for Republican defeat in Wisconsin—Schurz's defeat only an incentive to future activity for the party.
To Heinrich Meyer, January 15th 32
Fraud the cause of Schurz's defeat—Financial crisis in the West.
To Gottfried Kinkel, February 15th, 23d 33
Nomination for lieutenant-governor of Wisconsin—Success of his speeches—Popularity with Americans—Colonel of militia.
To Gerrit Smith, September 14th 35
Political activity limited by lack of funds—Results from recent Republican defeat different in the West from those in the East.
To Friedrich Althaus, November 5th 36
Speech on “The Irrepressible Conflict” gives Schurz a national reputation—Member of the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin.
To J. F. Potter, December 24th 38
Fears a coalition between some Republican leaders and anti-Administration Democrats—Possible nomination for governor—Reasons for not desiring this—Douglas will destroy his own chances.