Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 4.djvu/19

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Contents of Volume IV
From John A. Logan, February 28th 194
Asks Schurz to help him obtain the Republican nomination for the Presidency.
To John A. Logan, February 29th 194
Tries to dissuade Logan from his ambition—Logan's record on civil service reform and specie payment questions would prove fatal.
To W. G. Sherman, March 1st 196
Is not an “apologist of violent methods”—For Republicans to urge want of improvement in the South as a political issue, would be to defeat themselves—Remedy for existing evils.
To Gustav Schwab, March 21st 197
Declines a gift of $100,000 contributed by generous friends.
To Simon Wolf, March 22d 198
Gives his views on Sunday opening of libraries, museums, etc. and the operation of railroads—Prohibition laws—Protecting public school system from sectarian control—Equal taxation, etc.
From P. B. Plumb, May 6th 200
Desires an exchange of political views—New York essential to Republican success.
To P. B. Plumb, May 12th 200
New York a doubtful State—Strong opposition to Blaine—“Arthur stands much better”— Desirous of seeing the Republican party succeed.
From P. B. Plumb, May 25th 202
How Republicans might win without vote of New York—Various candidates for nomination considered.
To P. B. Plumb, May 27th 203
New York necessary to Republican victory—Only a candidate with unblemished record can succeed—Expects to attend Chicago Convention.