Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/100

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2) Otober.. Bacchus francick priclt,) vfed in their facrifice to carrie Thyrfos,which were pointed faves or Lauclinsswrapped about with yuie, 7 : _ In bufken, it wasche manner of Posts and playersin Tragedies to weare buf kins, as al in Co nedies to vie fockes andlyght thoes. So chat che buf kin in Poetry ts vled for tragi« call matter,as is fayd in Virgill, Sola Sophaclee tuacarmins digna cothurne, And the like in He- race, Meguum loqui, mitigue cothurne, Queint, range. Bellena,the god defile of bartaile, chat is Pallas, which may therfore wel be called queint,for that (as Lucian faith) whens Lupiter her father wasin trauaile of her,he, caufed his fonne Vulcan with his axe to hewe hishead. Out of which leaped forth luftely’a valiane damll armed at all pointes ,;whom Vulcan feeing fo faire and comely, lightly leapin to her, proferred her fome curtefic,which the Lady difdayning, fhaked her {peareat him, an threatued his faucineife, Thercfore (uch ftraungeneffeis well applied to her, Acquipage, order. Zyaes, fealons, Charme, veraperand order, For Charmes were woac tu bee made by verfes,as Ouid faich em Ast fe carmsinibns, u lees Embleme. Hereby is meant, asalfointhe whole courleof this Aegl ogue,that Poetry is adiuinein- Rin and vanaturall rage pafling the reach of common reafog. Whom Fiersan(wereth k- Cee as adaucting tlc excelleacie of the (kill, whereofin Cuddy hee had alzeadye aca t te = oi : Deas