Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/101

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Nouember, 44

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E gloga yndecima.


por xi. deglogue he bewayleth the deathe of ome mayden of great bloud whome he calleth Dido T he perfonage is fecret, and tome altogether vnknowne, albeit of himfelfe I oftense- uired the fame. T his Aeglogue is made inimitation of Marot his fong, which he made uppon thedeathe of Loyesthe frenche Qucene. But farre pafsing bisreathe, and in mine opinion all ather the Aeglogues of this booke.

Thenot, .:° Colia,

Olin mpbdeare, when Mall it pleate thee fiirg. 4s thou were tont fonqes. of fome touifaunce? Shp sPufle too long Mombeth in fogrowing, Hulled a fleepe theougd loues mifgouernaunce,
