Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/102

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Nouember.. | Motu fometobhat fing, tobofe enolele foucnannce,

@? bono Pan bolt Suremges of bigher baine. ~ VOlDn,

Thenot, notin nis fhe time of merimake. <.

  1. 0) Pan to berie,no? twithiouetoplays :

Sike myp2h tn May is meetek for tamake, —

2 fonrmer Made onder the cockco hay.

Sut notwe fapde Winter tuelked hath the day. (ind Phoebus twearie of bis pearely taf-ke : . . Pitabled hath bis Keedes in lowly lay, aS Sind faken bp his pune in FFithes baf-ke. | Whuk Collet feafon fadder plight doth at-ke > |

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Mud loathety Kke thowdoct praple: _

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As (hee twas wont in poungth and fommer dayes, I5ut if thou algate luff light birelapes, And loofer fogs of loue fo bnderfong TWUlho bul thy felte delerucs fike Poets paaile 2 Relteue thy Daten pypes, that Acepen long. Thenot, | Lhe Pightingale is Leueretqne of fong, Wefore him Fts the Litmonte filent bees -.. And ¥ onfit to thutin Ckelfull thoong, ...

And han be watered al the Mules well’: os SUbe kindely detwe dp0ps from the higher tree, And wets the litle plants that lowly dwell, > - Wut if fade tuinters to2ath and feafon chill, - Accord not with thy Wales meriment :

(SLo {adder times thou maifattune thp quill, © And fing of forrotwe and deathes Deceriment. 302 deade is Dido, deade alas and Dienf,

- Dido the great (hepheard bis daughter hanes ~~

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