Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/110

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wodecima. ‘Seyet otdonra 2¢ load wae: a > HIM 2h IRR TS uw hoasyirgs 1d bas. 94 re amod CM ePOIIT? 9915300 oT) Arouments: 2A Iirtoow 2 Tot var a eb 10 DMD

“Pt sae tae Ctosmnoos’ 2 (si848d slittis biel s9ce ods. ig lina igh borane iat is Acglozue (enen asthe firft began) is ended with plaint of Colin toG od Ran; wherein. as weary of his former Sy, qwaies,hee proportioneth his life to the foure feafons of the yeare, comparing his youth to the (pring time, when hee was frefh and Yee from loues follie. His manboode to the fommer, which hee — faith,was cofumed with great heate and exceffine drouth caufed through a Comet or blafing ftarre,by which hee meaneth lone, which paffion 1 commonly compared tofuch flames cr immode- rate heate.His riper yeres herefembleth to an vnfeafonable har- ueit wherein the fruites fall ere they.berype. Hw latter age to winters chill & frosty feafon nowdrawing necre to his laft ende. He gentle Tepheard fat befite a {p2inge, Atlin the Mhavetwe of a bubpe Were, hat Colin biah!,twbich well coulde pepe and linge, $o2bccef Tityrus bis fonges din lere. - ° Shere ag hee fatte 12 Sever igabde alone, So hus aan bee make of leuc his pitcous mone.


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